Fall 2023 Natural Disasters – How you can help.

  • Morocco Earthquake
  • Storm Daniel – Libya Flooding

Whenever disaster strikes, King County employees want to help. In these moments, and year-round, communities and nonprofit service providers need both immediate and long-term support. Workplace giving dollars are incredibly valuable for these organizations to plan for the unexpected and invest in long-term services. Disaster preparedness and community resilience are vital to withstanding natural disasters. Supporting organizations year-round allows them to recover and be ready when the time comes.

How to support emergency and disaster relief during the Annual Giving Drive:

*Tip*  PeopleSoft is set up to process only one transaction. We suggest you submit your disaster giving donation at the same time as your annual giving pledge. If you have already pledged in PeopleSoft and would like to donate further, simply download the paper pledge form and email a completed copy to employeegiving@kingcounty.gov.

Morocco Earthquake

On September 8, 2023, a shallow magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck near the town of Oukaïmedene in western Morocco. It was the largest earthquake to strike the area in a century. The earthquake and aftershocks killed more than 2,900 people, injured 5,600, and caused massive infrastructure damage. Thousands more people are unaccounted for, and tens of thousands are displaced from their homes.

Survivors are receiving intensive medical care, and families need food, water, shelter, and help reuniting with loved ones. As winter approaches, communities will need to rebuild homes and roads.

KCEGP Organizations Responding

NonprofitKCEGP CodeResponse Summary
CARE3510Supports communities through education, economic empowerment, and governance. During the Al Haouz province earthquake, provided emergency water, food, and medical support to survivors. Also provided psychological support and aimed to reach 50,000 people with short-term relief items and long-term recovery support.
Convoy of Hope10004Providing food, water, hygiene kits, school supplies, tents, and mattresses for families sleeping in tents. Working with partners to provide donkeys and sheep.
Doctors Without Borders USA4172Emergency teams assessed the humanitarian and medical situation in affected areas. We provided donations of medical equipment and medicines to several hospitals and health centers. Teams are now providing psychological support to people most severely affected by the crisis and to frontline volunteers, as well as training and supporting local groups on psychological first aid.
Global Impact3500Dedicated Morocco Earthquake Fund supporting a variety of Global Impact member charities.
Our leading humanitarian partners, such as CARE, International Medical Corps, and Project HOPE, are on the ground providing critical services and more to survivors.
Humanity & Inclusion3541Has been present in the country for 30 years. Working with its partners to provide people with basic necessities: tents, tarps, crutches, wheelchairs, etc. Also want to support Moroccans working with injured and traumatized people who need rehabilitation care and psychological support. In the aftermath of an earthquake, the need for rehabilitation is immense: if injured people are not given appropriate care, their injuries can worsen or become permanent disabilities.
International Medical Corps3526Deployed an Advance Emergency Response Team (ERT) to Marrakech to coordinate with government authorities, local organizations, and international agencies to prioritize critical needs and establish supply chains required to support affected communities. We already have helped distribute 450 hot meals, 2,550 ready-to-eat food items, 2,550 hygiene items, and 150 blankets to those affected by the earthquakes.
Islamic Relief USA3595Launched an emergency response and is working with local partners to provide humanitarian assistance including food; essential non-food items, including blankets and mattresses; and temporary shelter.
Project HOPE3513Partnering with Spanish medical emergency organization SAMU to respond. SAMU provided search-and-rescue operations and has since carried out over 120 health interventions and transferred patients to larger hospitals. A second group of 12 staff members will operate mobile medical units in Tigouga, Taroudant, providing primary health care to those without access. Project HOPE is procuring hygiene kits for distribution to approximately 200 families.
SCM Medical Missions10925We have been raising funds and purchased warm clothing, food, and school supplies for people in the worst affected areas of the quake. We have a partner on the ground managing the purchase and distribution of these goods to ensure they go directly to the people in need.
World Central Kitchen10870Partnered with local organizations and built two field kitchens that cook thousands of meals every day. Also, we are putting together kitchen kits that will be delivered to villages in the mountains. These kits include large cooking equipment and food kits of produce and dried goods. With these, the people living in the hardest-hit regions of the Atlas Mountains will be able to cook meals for themselves.

Storm Daniel – Libya Flooding

Catastrophic flooding struck eastern Libya on September 10 and 11, 2023, because of heavy rains from Storm Daniel. Additionally, the storm caused major damage to infrastructure, including the collapse of two dams near the City of Derna. It is estimated that between 4,000 and 10,000 people have lost their lives, and thousands more have been impacted.

KCEGP Organizations Responding

NonprofitKCEGP CodeResponse Summary
Action Against Hunger3503Working in Libya since 2019 with projects to strengthen the resilience of people affected by the conflict and improve livelihoods for the most vulnerable communities. “Our teams in Libya are ready to support local actors in the distribution of food packages, hygiene kits, and other essential items for 1,000 affected people,” said Dr. Charles E. Owubah, CEO.
Convoy of Hope10004Working with local partners to provide food, water, baby supplies, hygiene products, and shelter.
Doctors Without Borders USA4172Supporting two general healthcare centers in Derna following the flooding. Between September 20 and 27, our doctors conducted 537 medical consultations. Additionally, the need for psychological relief is immense, and our teams have been putting all efforts toward our mental health activities, including individual consultations and focus groups in shelters and in the two general healthcare centers we are supporting.
International Medical Corps3526Focusing on such immediate needs as shelter, mobile health services, water, sanitation, and hygiene. Working with the Ministry of Health and local partners on coordinating efforts to meet those needs. In addition to building EMT facilities, we procured personal protective equipment (PPE) and body bags to support search-and-rescue efforts and efforts to retrieve bodies from the sea. We are transporting and distributing additional medicines and hygiene kits and are deploying mobile medical teams in Derna and Soussa, as well as other nearby locations.
International Rescue Committee3524Committed to working with local partners and the Libyan authorities to provide immediate assistance to those affected by this disaster. The IRC is planning a response that would target the following key areas: health services (medical supplies, supporting facilities), protection services (dignity kits, psychosocial support), and basic household items (first aid, diapers, clothing, other essentials).
Islamic Relief USA3595Working with local partners to provide emergency relief including food and essential non-food items, such as blankets and mattresses. Lots of people are escaping the city, so our partners are starting to help people who have been displaced to a neighboring town and provide them with food and basic emergency shelter. So far, we’ve distributed more than 4,000 blankets and mattresses; 1,000 pillows, hygiene kits, and shoes; 600 food packages; and 200 portable stoves. Additionally, 6,900 liters of drinking water have been provided and 39,000 hot meals will be supplied to affected communities over the course of 30 days.
SCM Medical Missions10925Raising funds to purchase generators in Egypt that will then be delivered to eastern Libya by our regional director. He will be on hand to ensure the purchase, trucking, and delivery of the generators to people who need them.
UNICEF USA3553Responding to the needs of people caught in harm’s way; rushing in emergency aid including 1,100 hygiene kits, vital medical supplies for 10,000 people and essential clothing kits for 500 children; and coordinating distribution with the Libya Red Crescent (LRC) Society, a UNICEF partner.
World Food Program USA3596Aims to reach more than 5,000 families with food assistance in the wake of flooding in Libya. WFP commenced its response with cooperating partner LibAid, distributing rations – including sugar, pasta, rice, wheat flour, tomato paste, white beans, and cooking oil – to hundreds of families across 16 locations in Benghazi.